Ourisman Chrysler Jeep Dodge of Alexandria

Oct 22, 2021

The engine in your Dodge vehicle is a complicated piece of machinery. Thousands of different moving parts must all work in concert for your engine to perform properly. Quality engine oil from a Dodge oil change keeps those parts lubricated and prevents the deterioration of your vehicle’s critical components. At regular intervals, usually every 3,000 miles, an oil change at your local Alexandria, VA dealer will keep your engine running smoothly. Let’s review some reasons to routinely change your Dodge’s oil.

Time for a Dodge Oil Change at Your Alexandria, VA Dodge Dealer

Protecting Against CorrosionDodge Oil Change | Alexandria, VA

Corrosion is your Dodge engine’s worst enemy. Moisture, dirt, and other corrosive particles from the elements break down your engine oil, rendering it less effective. Regular oil changes and clean oil protect your engine from this corrosion by coating the components and defending against excess wear and tear.

Preventing Wear and Tear

As previously mentioned, your Dodge engine is made up of thousands of moving parts, each one essential to making your vehicle operate smoothly. This generates a lot of friction, another enemy of your engine, which will cause damage and excessive wear and tear if those parts aren’t well lubricated with oil.

The viscosity, or the ability to reduce friction, of your oil will degrade over time, especially as the oil gets burned away. Without enough oil in your engine, your Dodge could suffer severe damage. Keeping up with routine oil changes will help you avoid significant wear and tear and prolong the life of your engine.

Cooling the Engine

Combustion and friction both generate a lot of heat while your engine is running. Excess heat can damage components and leave you with a blown engine if you’re not careful. Clean engine oil will transfer heat away from those vulnerable engine parts and keep your engine cool.

Keeping the Engine Clean

Engine oil helps remove debris from metal shavings, which collect on your engine components due to all of the rubbing and friction. The oil, along with a clean and reliable oil filter, also removes any dirt that may enter the engine, keeping your engine in peak condition.

Improving Mileage and Lifespan

As your Dodge’s engine oil deteriorates, the engine must worker harder to produce power. Since fuel is where the power comes from, the harder the engine needs to work, the more fuel it will burn. Regular oil changes will provide better lubrication and cause less stress on your engine, which will prolong its lifespan and improve fuel mileage.

Increasing Value

Properly maintaining your engine, including regular oil changes, will help retain your Dodge’s value over time. Being able to supply a potential buyer with meticulous maintenance records will get you a better price when you’re ready to sell.

For a longer life, smoother ride, and better engine performance, make sure you change the oil and oil filter in your Dodge on a regular basis. Come visit us today at Ourisman Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram of Alexandria for your next oil change.